Miss Bao Ngoc scores points when choosing exquisite costumes at the 10th Southern Folk Cake Festival! Miss Bao Ngoc scores points when choosing exquisite costumes at the 10th Southern Folk Cake Festival!Miss Intercontinental2023-05-23T14:08:25+02:00April 29th, 2023|Read More
Miss Bao Ngoc in a Bikini, showing off her 1,23m long and beautiful legs in a new series of photos for Magazine Miss Bao Ngoc in a Bikini, showing off her 1,23m long and beautiful legs in a new series of photos for MagazineMiss Intercontinental2023-05-23T14:23:07+02:00April 25th, 2023|Read More
Miss Intercontinental Bao Ngoc becomes the ambassador of the southern folk cake festival Miss Intercontinental Bao Ngoc becomes the ambassador of the southern folk cake festivalMiss Intercontinental2023-05-23T13:57:56+02:00April 5th, 2023|Read More
Miss Intercontinental Bao Ngoc catwalk is extremely dexterous with a weight of nearly 30kg Miss Intercontinental Bao Ngoc catwalk is extremely dexterous with a weight of nearly 30kgMiss Intercontinental2023-05-23T13:49:40+02:00March 23rd, 2023|Read More
Miss Intercontinental Bao Ngoc is the First Face in “Shadow” fashion show Vy Le Than Hoa Designer Miss Intercontinental Bao Ngoc is the First Face in “Shadow” fashion show Vy Le Than Hoa DesignerMiss Intercontinental2023-05-23T13:39:43+02:00March 15th, 2023|Read More
Miss Intercontinental Bao Ngoc 2022 – announced and awarded at contribution award ceremony 2023 Miss Intercontinental Bao Ngoc 2022 – announced and awarded at contribution award ceremony 2023Miss Intercontinental2023-05-23T13:15:43+02:00March 10th, 2023|Read More