Miss Intercontinental Mexico 2017 – Veronica Salas
Will I ever be able to find the perfect words to describe my 2 weeks in Hurghada Egypt? I honestly think it is impossible solely because of just how impactful the experience was. I remember walking into orientation and saying to my self, “thank my Lord for beeing here and for this experience I do have now in front of me but do I stand a chance.” When you walk into a room full of 65 beautiful, real stunning, intelligent and powerful women from all over the World, it humbles you to your core, no matter how highly you think of your self. I will say that so far it has been one of the best time of my life. I never imagined I would have so much fun with all of those different women from different cultures or make the connections I did.
I’ve always felt that it is exactly what I wanted to do, participate in an event which carries a long history and Miss Intercontinental celebrated the 46th anniversary when I was competing. In Mexico I have only a small group of friends because who else will understand what I am dedicated to?
Pageants are a big business in Mexico and for me it was always exciting to travel around the World so Thankful that this dream now came true. In Egypt I made so many friends and had so many wonderful experiences over the 2 weeks.
One of my favorite activities we did was the trip to Luxor and to dive into the history of thousands of years. Also the trip on the Nile was amazing. The friendlyness of the people in Egypt and especially the Staff of the SUNRISE Hotels I will never forget.
My crowning moment is still something I have trouble processing, mainly because I was so shocked and it took my breath away. I don’t know if you can see in the video, but I was gasping for air. I remember when last of the top four was called out and I was standing there thinking, “now Mexico, don’t get upset if you go home with nothing. This week has given you so much already.” I was preparing my self not to win because the girls I was standing next to were huge competition. I mean that crown could have gone to any of them, and it would have made complete sense. But then my name was called, and I dropped to the floor. I remember looking out into the audience, and everyone was going crazy, especially my national director and friends from back home. At one point I yelled out into the audience, “is this actually happening?” while still not being able to breathe and crying like a baby as Heilymar put the crown on my head. The instance that still sticks with me is all the girls coming up to congratulate me! The amount of support and love I have received from them are astounding. That moment in time will be something I never forget, and that’s all I could’ve asked for out of that 2weeks-something unforgettable.


Name: Veronica Salas
Country: Mexico
Age: 24
Height: 1,75 m
Profession / Job: Title in physical education
Hobbies: read, ride a horse, dancing, practice gym
Life-Motto: Believing in yourself is the first step to success.
Special Talent: Dance
Languages: Spanish, English
Smoking: No
