Miss Intercontinental El Salvador 2022 – Andrea Aguilar

Name: Andrea Aguilar
Country: El Salvador
Age: 19
Measurements: 82/60/92
Height: 1,61 m
Eye Color: Brown
Profession / Job: Student
Hobbies: Gym, horseback riding, going on hikes
Life-Motto: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
Special Talent: Drawing, painting
Languages:English, Spanish
Smoking: No
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”Growing up, I knew we’re capable of achieving our goals if we push ourselves and never set boundaries. With education and hard work, anyone can achieve their dreams – this is how I did it. Born and raised in the country of the eternal smile, El Salvador, my parents have been strong pillars for my character development. They have pushed me to perform at my best regardless of any given situation. I am greatful to have them in my life. Spending my formidable years in El Salvador taught me so much about perseverance and dedication. This is the true spirit of Salvadorans. We always find ways to provide for our families and move forward to achieve a better quality of life. At fourteen, my family decided to move to the United States. It was an unexpected yet unprecedented turn of events. I was terrified of the idea of it because I did not want to leave my family and friends behind. At the beginning, I had challenges in adapting and adjusting to a new culture. Living in a foreign land for the first time, it took a while for me to overcome my hesitations. Eventually, I became comfortable and felt safe and secured in pursuing the American dream without forgetting my beloved Salvadoran heritage. As a student in high school, I was a varsity soccer player and a member of the Latin America Student Association. Here, I learned to be a team player and a leader. In addition, I took better care of myself and made friends from many different backgrounds. I was in the Principal Honor Roll with Distinctions when I graduated high school. Currently, I am studying to get a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. Being hailed as Miss Intercontinental El Salvador 2022, I am beyond blessed for this role and responsibility. Working with ‘School of Special Education in Mejicanos’, I immersed myself with children experiencing learning disabilities. It’s a privilege and an eye-opener to be aware of the educational processes that they have to go through and it has inspired me to help others selflessly. I strive to be an example for the youth. I want them to know that when you pour your heart out and see through your soul, you’ll be surprised where the roads take you. Our abilities are endless when we are passionate and brave and when we are not afraid to dream.
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