Miss Intercontinental Zambia 2023 —

Margaret Ngonyani



Name: Margaret Ngonyani
Country: Zambia
Age: 23
Measurements: Neck 14, Bust 31, under-bust 27.5, waist 26, Hips 35.5, shoulder 15, Arm length 25, Bicep 10, wrist 9, bust height 9.5, shoulder to waist front 15, bust separation 6.5, shoulder to waist back 14, back width 12, hip heigh 9, thigh 19.5, calf 13.5, leg length 42, waist to floor 44, neck yo floor 58
Height: 1.75
Eye Color: Brown
Profession / Job: Student
Hobbies: Cooking, painting, traditional dancing and teaching
Life-Motto: Little things matter
Special Talent: Makeup artist, Painting and mentorship
Languages: English, Nyanja and Bemba
Smoking: No

Margaret Ngonyani a 23 year old beacon of women financial literacy with a belief in a theme “empower a woman, empower a nation”i channel my energies into mentoring young girls and women beyond financial literacy and touch upon essential life skills including hygiene, hence building the leaders of tomorrow who are not only academically sound but also socially responsible.Currently in pursuit of my passion in finance Iam in the final stage of my Bachelors degree in commerce specializing in Accounts and finance.This academic journey is not just a conquest of grades but is also a stepping stone towards realising my vision of financial literacy as a powerful tool for women empowerment.Crowned in the glory of victory in five esteemed Zambian beauty pageants I have not only adorned crowns but also woven them into a tapestry of purpose as I believe that true beauty lies in the ability to inspire and uplift others as my journey transcends the runway it extends to the corridors of financial empowerment and social change

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