I was born to be a warrior;That never gives up,persistent to control his fate, to win his battles,and never hesitate to keep going.
Every battle alter a new building block into who I am;Am a physical therapy doctor:orthopedic&Rehabilitation specialist and a ballet instructor,who dream that the world respect different disabilities even contribute to a world with less even clear from disabilities and diseases.
I graduated this year with high-grades and honors,preparing my postgraduate studies in”public Health and Environmental sciences” aiming to joint the united nation organization, be part of something great,contribute to global health &Environmental resources.
To Be a role model for youth and younger generation;My journey through life shaped me to who I am today.since I was 9 my parents were divorced, I lived unstable life,switching homes and schools.My mother got married and gave birth to A girl,by the age of 14 my mother abandoned me and my sister,she just dropped us in our father’s work and left; A type of pain craved deep in my soul.I lived in my father’s house for 4 years: A house full of hate hallo,my father’s wife hate halo rocked the walls and air ;I starved every night.
I motivated my self every night with tears rolling down my face,waking up stronger every day.
I graduated from high school with high SAT &GPA scores, sold paintings,zillion of friends,zillion of books,and a hoard strength.
I entered a physical-therapy college with a scholarship, got reunited with my mother,grandmother, and sisters.I graduated from college as head of science committee in student union for 5 years in a row and high grades with honors,I’ve been working since my 1st year in college in a PT clinic, I was a noticed hard-worker in the field and a financially independent young lady .Furthermore,I challenged my self and got back to ballet after 7 years of retirement and I decided to learn everything I love and never waste a moment.

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Name:Rana Alaa Shehata
Country: Egypt
Age: 23
Measurements: -,-,-
Height: 1,66 m
Eye Color: Green
Profession / Job: Physicaltherapy doctor & Ballet instructor
Hobbies: modern &classical ballet, violin, Art&painting, writing, cooking, youga, reading
Life-Motto:Every valubale moment can alter different knowledge that grows and enhances you
Special Talent: Ballet, latin dance,youga,drawing&painting,Inspirational writing, Easy learner, motivational speaking
Languages: Arabic , English , Frensh , spanish
Smoking: No
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