Miss Intercontinental Costa Rica 2019-Devy Gonzalez Jaen

Hello I am Devy Gonzalez
A few years ago I learned the most significant lesson of my life I learned to match it with the discipline that I have practiced for a long time, which is athletics. Where I became the second woman in the history of Costa Rica to finish 20km athletic march and thanks to that and other experiences I learned to see my life as a race where no matter how tired we are we should always give our best effort to achieve our goals, objectives and dreams.

I decided to start this process even though I am finishing my thesis in Health Services Administration and at the same time I am in the middle of another university career that is Banking and Finance, I have learned to create a balance in my life to be able to To cope with my venture Dvora Bikinis, my social project and my work in the bank that demands a lot of responsibility but in spite of all that I celebrate my triumphs and face my challenges with effort, perseverance and love, fundamental aspects to change any reality.

With the passage of time I learned that love and gratitude are two indispensable values that lead us every day to be better people, to live in peace, to help others and to build a more just society. These are values that have brought me to this important moment in my life.

Gratitude that Representing Costa Rica in an international event is a great opportunity to give back to my country all the opportunities it has given me to study, work and have my own company, I would have the possibility of exposing to the world the natural beauties that we have , our social peace and the human quality of the Costa Rican, would give me the possibility of being a message of peace, of a reconciliation with nature and of exposing the qualities of the Costa Rican woman.

Love that this platform gives us the possibility of impacting society with projects that mainly favor vulnerable populations, at social risk or in some way excluded. My social project “Breaking barriers to school inclusion … A path towards the integration of similarities” Consists of raising awareness among the Costa Rican population about the rights that children have to the least restricted education possible, so that we all have the same rights.

This is just a bit of me so I I send you love from the purest country in the World – Costa Rica

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Name: Devy Gonzalez Jaen
Country: Costa Rica
Age: 25
Measurements: 87, 65, 99
Height: 175 cm
Eye Color: Brown
Profession / Job: Bachelor in Health Service, CEO in Dvora Bikinis and Assistent in Popular Bank in Costa Rica
Hobbies: Practice Athletics, running long distance in the beach or mountain and spending time with my family and friends.
Life-Motto: There are not secrets just workouts. Pain is temporaly, satisfaction is forever.
Special Talent: Pracitice Race Walking in 20km
Languages: Spanish
Smoking: No

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